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List of equipment needed for various Scuba diving training programs

Technical diving courses


  1. Wing style BCD minimum lift 55 lbs, redundant wing required

  2. Backplate and harness recommended or soft pack and harness

  3. Two balanced regulators with DIN connectors recommended. One first stage with a short second stage hose and second stage with rubber necklace and SPG with clip attached to it, low-pressure inflator hose for redundant wing. Second first stage with a 7 foot / 2 meter long second stage hose and second stage with clip attached to it with low pressure inflator hose.

  4. Wet suit 5mm with hood minimum

  5. Booties

  6. Open heel fins

  7. One lift bag reel

  8. Lift bag 50 lbs lift minimum

  9. Submersible decompression table for gases used during dive

  10. Two slates and pencil

  11. Small and sharp knife

  12. Mask and spare mask – snorkel recommended depending on diving environment dived in

  13. Pouch to store accessories, leg mounted recommended

  14. Wrist mounted dive computer or bottom timer, backup recommended – no console. Multi gas computers recommended, air only computers no suitable for this level of diving

  15. One primary light canister type with minimum burn time two hours and 50 watt halogen / 10 watt HID or equivalent light output depending on dive environment

  16. Two back up lights with minimum burn time two hours each depending on dive environment

  17. One, two or three oxygen clean balanced stage regulators with DIN connector fitted with short HP hose and SPG, with 40 inch octopus size length second stage hose and clip attached to the second stage depending on level of training and diving

  18. One, two or three stage bottle rigging including rubber band’s to store low pressure second stage hose, carrying strap and clips for 40 cft and 80 cft alm stage tanks depending on level of training and diving

Cavern course


  1. Recreational BCD

  2. One regulator with normal recreational setup of two second stages – one with octopus size length hose and second regular size length, inflator hose and SPG with clip attached

  3. Wet suit 5mm with hood

  4. Booties

  5. Open heel fins

  6. Mask – no snorkel

  7. Safety reel

  8. Three directional and three non-directional line markers

  9. Submersible decompression table

  10. Slate and pencil

  11. Small and sharp knife

  12. Pouch to store accessories, leg mounted recommended

  13. Wrist mounted dive computer or bottom timer – no console

  14. One primary light 

  15. One backup light

Cenote tour (Cavern Dive)


Prerequisites: Open Water Certification


Tour Includes: Transportation, 2 dives, Guide, Tanks, Weights, entrance fees, snack and drinks.


Price: $185 (USD)
Equipment rental $15 (USD)

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Full Cave Course


Prerequisites: Advanced diver certification.


Course Includes: 8 days of training, transportation, text, Instruction,certification, tanks, weights, entrance fees.


Price: $2400 (USD) 

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Sidemount Course


Prerequisites: Advanced diver certification.


Course Includes: 3 days of training, transportation, text, Instruction,certification, tanks, weights, entrance fees.


Price: $900 (USD) 

Intro to Cave and Full Cave course


  1. Wing style BCD minimum lift 45 lbs maximum lift 65 lbs no redundant wing recommended

  2. Backplate and harness recommended or soft pack and harness

  3. Two balanced regulators with DIN connectors recommended. One first stage with a short second stage hose and second stage with rubber necklace and SPG with clip attached to it. Second first stage with a 7 foot / 2 meter long second stage hose and second stage with clip attached to it with low pressure inflator hose.

  4. Wet suit 5mm with hood minimum

  5. Booties

  6. Open heel fins

  7. One Safety reel, One primary reel, one jump / gap reel

  8. Three directional and three non-directional line markers

  9. Submersible decompression table

  10. Slate and pencil

  11. Small and sharp knife

  12. Mask and spare mask – no snorkel

  13. Pouch to store accessories, leg mounted recommended

  14. Wrist mounted dive computer or bottom timer – no console

  15. One primary light canister type with minimum burn time two hours and 50 watt halogen / 10 watt HID or equivalent light output

  16. Two back up lights with minimum three c-cell batteries and minimum burn time two hours each

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